Earn Your Ph.D.
In Tarotology Now!
By James W. Revak
The Divine Fifi-Ho-Tep-Trismegista. Click the image for a larger one.THE ORDER OF THE GOLD
EARN YOUR DEGREE NOW! Impress your friends, family, clients, and cops trying to bust you for fortune-telling! Earn big bucks as a Tarot reader! How? By earning your Ph.D. in Tarotology now! The ancient, accredited, and prestigious Order of the Gold and Rosy Bone College of Tarotology is pleased to offer the degree program leading to Doctor of Philosophy in Tarotology (Ph.D.T.). The O:.G:.R:.B:. was founded millenia ago by the Divine Fifi- Ho-Tep-Trismegista, blessings be upon Her Name, who invented the Tarot and presented it to humankind over three thousand years ago. The Divine Fifi, blessings be upon Her Name, serves as Supreme Hierophant of the Order and President of its College of Tarotology. So, you are assured that your Ph.D.T. will carry great weight among your peers, open numerous doors to you, and comprise a major milestone in your spiritual and intellectual development.
HOW TO EARN YOUR Ph.D.T. What you study, how much you study, and when you study are completely up to you. However, you must pass a rigorous Final Exam to earn your Ph.D.T. When you do you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are among an elite, which many aspire to but few enter. You will know that you possess knowledge and wisdom which many have hungered for but few have fed upon.
And thats not all, as they say on infomercials! Take the exam now and, if you pass, you will receive an absolutely free diploma suitable for framing and signed by the Divine Fifi, blessings be upon Her Name. It will impress friends, family, clients, and cops trying to bust you for fortune-telling. Only one thing stands between you and a complete knowledge of Tarotnot to mention a highly lucrative career as a cardreader, workshop leader, and lecturer, and creator of cool decksyour Ph.D.T.
Do not confuse the O:.G:.R:.B:. College of Tarotology Ph.D.T. program with any apparently similar degree or certification program. The O:.G:.R:.B:. offers the Ph.D.T. free of charge for the benefit of humankind. Its leaders, including the Divine Fifi, blessings be upon Her Name, are neither anonymous nor secretive. When you deal with the O:.G:.R:.B:., youre dealing with adepts whose knowledge of Tarot is utterly complete and whose professional credentials are unrivalled.
Have questions or concerns? Always feel free to e-mail the Divine Fifi, blessings be upon Her Name, care of the O:.G:.R:.B:. Secretary General, Jim Revak. Both the Divine Fifi, blessings be upon Her Name, and Jim are here to serve you. Truly they and all members of the O:.G:.R:.B:. are the servants of the servants of Tarot.
Take the Ph.D.T. Exam now! Be all you can be!
YES! I Want To Be All That I Can Be! I Want To Take The Ph.D.T. Exam Now!
Copyright © 2000 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. Version 1.0 (8/21/00).