1. |
card shown below is the: |
A. |
Two of Cups; |
B. |
of Cups; |
C. |
of Cups; |
D. |
of Cups. |
Illustration (above):
Card from Tarot Classic (based on an 18th-century deck
by Claude Burdel) (copyright 1974 U.S. Games Systems).
Click the image for a larger one. |
2. |
on the Five of Pentacles from The Rider Tarot (see illustration,
below) renowned Tarotist A. E. Waite, wrote that it may
indicate: |
A. |
Material trouble; |
B. |
Wife and husband; |
C. |
Love and lovers; |
D. |
All of the
above. |
Illustration (above):
The Five of Pentacles from The Rider Tarot Deck (1909)
(copyright © 1971 U.S. Games Systems). Click the image
for a larger one. |
3. |
Celtic Cross is a: |
A. |
Neopagan song; |
B. |
Traditional Christian hymn; |
C. |
Popular method for reading
Tarot cards; |
D. |
Major Irish
daily. |
4. |
card shown below is from: |
A. |
The Morgan-Greer
Tarot; |
B. |
Tarot of
the Old Path; |
C. |
Tarot of
the Spirit; |
D. |
A particularly
savy cardreader. |
5. |
the Death Trump appears in a reading for a client who knows nothing
about Tarot, a skilled reader might say: |
A. |
Is your life insurance
paid up?; |
B. |
Pay me five hundred
dollars to burn magic candles to remove the curse on you, or
dont even think of getting out of bed ever again; |
C. |
Death typically
implies a major change; |
D. |
invest in new 30-year bonds. |
6. |
first member of the popular Rider-Waite-Smith family of decks
was: |
A. |
Published by Readers
Digest, designed by Waite, and drawn by Smith; |
B. |
Published by Rider, designed
by Coco Chanel, and drawn by Smith; |
C. |
Published by Rider, designed
by Waite, and drawn by Picasso; |
D. |
by Rider, designed by Waite, and drawn by Smith. |