(Including Discussion Forums)Numerous additional resources are available on the net, including discussion forums (accessed by e-mail or the Web), Usenet news groups, and Websites. By all means, use your favorite search engine and surf to find helpful resources. However, just because information appears on the net does not mean that it is reliable or helpful. When in doubt, you may wish to access well-known and respected sites or ask an experienced Tarotist for recommendations. Selected sites which may be particularly helpful to newcomers are described below. Should you become an advanced student of Tarot, they may continue to serve you. Finally, always read critically and apply what you learn judiciously.
Aeclectic Tarot by Solandia, includes capsule reviews (including many images) of a wide variety of decks and discussion forums.
Alt.tarot is a Usenet news group for the freewheeling discussion of Tarot, which you may access with a �news reader� or the Web. Caveat: flaming occurs regularly; beginning and advanced Tarotists often take it on the chin.
Books � Retail Sales (Used and Out of Print). Some Tarot books are rare or out of print. The following sites are excellent sources for such books which may otherwise be difficult to find:, AddAll, or
ComparativeTarot is a friendly discussion forum that offers Tarotists at all levels the opportunity to study and compare a wide variety of decks. It observes a few rules including the prohibition of flaming.
Computerized Tarot Readings. Numerous Websites offer free computerized readings. For links and brief descriptions of some, click here.
Divination by Tarot: Introduction by B. Stafford is a brief compendium of divinatory meanings for each card and is as good (if not better) than many similar commercially available compendiums. You may download it as a text or Adobe Acrobat file. The author apparently wrote it with RWS decks in mind and is best used with such a deck, but may be adapted for use with variations on RWS.
Learning the Tarot An On-Line Course by Joan Bunning, is a free Web-based course, that offers a methodical introduction to Tarot. Its content is substantially the same as her Learning Tarot: A Book for Beginners.
Llewellyn Worldwide is a major publisher of Tarot books and decks and New Age titles generally. It distributes many Lo Scarabeo decks in the United States.
Reference Guide for Tarot Layouts (also known as Tarot Spreads FAQ) by David C. Jones, is a sound guide that describes in detail a wide variety of spreads that may be used for purposes of divination and meditation. They vary from very simple to complex. It is as good (if not better) than some similar commercially available ones.Tarot at Telperion Productions and its sister site, The Hermitage: A Tarot History Site, both by Tom Tadfor Little, comprise a wide variety of articles that include informative looks at Tarot history and classic decks (including many images).
Tarot Decks � Retail Sales. The following sites are excellent sources for many decks which may otherwise be difficult to find, including in the U.S.: Alida, R. Somerville of Edinburgh, Il Trigono, and Le Valet dCoeur.
[Tarot] Divination by Laren, is a brief compendium of divinatory meanings for each card. It is illustrated with a RWS deck and is best used with such a deck, but it may be adapted for use with variations on RWS.Tarot Inspiration by Hans Logeskøv, is devoted to exploring the Thoth Tarot, including its interpretation, use in spreads, and discussion of relevant books. It is not the best site on this list, but one of few that discusses this important deck; read it critically.
Tarot Passages by Diane Wilkes, is a large, frequently updated site that includes informative articles, deck reviews, a suggested reading list, ample links, and much more.
TarotL is an excellent forum for the discussion of a wide variety of Tarot-related topics, including Tarot history. It attracts Tarotists at all levels and observes a few rules, including prohibition of flaming and “blatantly commercial posts”.
U.S. Games Systems is perhaps the leading publisher of Tarot decks and related products worldwide. Its site includes descriptions and images of its many decks from traditional to trendy.
Villa Revak by James W. Revak, is home to A Beginners Guide to Tarot, the article you are reading. It also offers The Bookworms Guide to Tarot and resources concerning Tarot history. It even includes humor and interactive quizes.
Wicces Tarot Collection by Gina M. Pace, is a large site, which includes brief reviews (including many images) of a wide variety of decks, numerous links, a newsletter, and much more.
CONCLUSION This article has suggested resources that many new students will find helpful. I am always seeking to improve it and help those who study the cards. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact me by e-mail.
The glossary follows as an appendix . . . click here.
Copyright � 2002 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. (12/10/02).