A Tarot Website
By James W. Revak
Jim Revak is a writer, speaker, and consultant with expertise in the areas of Tarot, creativity, and marketing research.
His publications include Tarot Divination: Three Parallel Traditions, The First Integration of Tarot and Astrology (with Elizabeth Hazel) in The Tarot Journal (Spring 2002), and Know Your Customers: Marketing Research for Small and Medium Size Businesses. Original research by him includes The Influence of Etteilla and His School on Mathers & Waite and Social Values and the Marketing of Science Museum Memberships (Masters Thesis).
He has been a long-time avid student of Tarot, having purchased his first deck about thirty years ago. He is the owner of Villa Revak/A Tarot Website, which is visited by 3,000 individuals monthly, an assistant editor and peer reviewer for The Tarot Journal, and a member of the International Tarot Society. With respect to divination, he has also worked with the I Ching extensively.
His abiding interest in spiritual growth has also motivated him to study Catholicism, Western Esotericism, Graeco-Roman Mythology and Religion, Eastern Philosophy and Religion, and Western Philosophy.
As a speaker he has led the personal growth seminar Living With Passion & Purpose, which has helped others from all walks of life to use creativity to enrich their lives. Jim also speaks about marketing research when he makes such presentations as: How to Use Marketing Research to Increase Your Profitability and How to Read a Survey Report (What You Dont Know Will Hurt You). His other topics include how to use creativity to solve problems, increase business productivity, and enrich your personal life.
He also occasionally speaks to entertain when he tells such diverse stories as A Skunk for All Seasons, an original, humorous folk tale, and Orfeo and Euridice, a suspenseful re-telling of the classic Greek love story.
Jim has consulted to and conducted surveys for such organizations as the Fleet Science Center, San Diego Opera, American Marketing Association (San Diego Chapter), Toastmasters International (San Diego Club), and the Executive Service Corps.
His other interests include music, the fine arts (especially from the Renaissance and modern periods), the graphic arts, history (including Renaissance and modern European), Website design, and cooking.
He holds an MS in Marketing from San Diego State University, a BA in Music from Rutgers University, and the Advanced Toastmaster Gold designation from Toastmasters International.
He has resided in San Diego, California, since 1990.
Copyright © 2002 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. Version 1.4 (5/23/02).