Interactive Adventures
In Tarot
By James W. Revak
ITS FUN! Turn your attention to any of the symbols which comprise the game board (above) and guess which Major Arcanum (Trump or Key) it symbolizes. To check your answer click the white square button below it. The traditional name of the Arcanum will appear with an alternate esoteric name, brief commentary, and illustrations from selected decks. The symbols comprise what is called ASCII art, i.e., art which uses ASCII characters. Some also resemble emoticons, i.e., symbols comprised of characters and used to connote emotion. Perhaps the best known emoticon is the smiley: :-).
ITS EDUCATIONAL! The commentary is by no means comprehensive, but does give the attentive reader the opportunity to learn about any Arcanum from selected Tarotists of the past three hundred years. Most of the commentary is devoted to discussion of esoteric symbols and philosophy; it only occasionally includes divinatory meanings. The editor has permitted each Tarotist to speak his or her own mind; therefore, they often contradict each other. (Did I have to tell you that?). One, but by no means the only, reason for contradictions is commentators use of different decks. For example, typically Lévi references a Tarot of Marseilles; Waite, the Rider-Waite-Smith; Crowley, Thoth; etc. Finally, the editor did not attempt to harmonize their views (which would often be impossible) or assess their relative merits. You, the reader, are invited to do so. (I told you its educational.)
If you prefer to go directly to commentary on a specific Arcanum without using the game board, see Major Arcana by Title. For a list of works quoted, the deck each commentator typically references, and other important details, see Sources.
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Copyright © 2000 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. Version 1.0 (8/9/00).