Influence of Etteilla &
School on Mathers & Waite
By James
W. Revak
REFERENCES Abraham the Jew (attrib.). (1458[?]/1900). (S. L. MacGregor Mathers, Trans.). The book of the sacred magic of Abramelin the Mage: As delivered by Abraham the Jew unto his son Lamech, A.D. 1458 (2d ed.). New York: Dover.
Agrippa of Nettesheim, Henry Cornelius. (1531/1998). (James Freake, Trans.; Donald Tyson, Ed.). Three books of occult philosophy. St. Paul: Llewellyn. Database of books in French offered for sale, consulted January 24, 2000.
Alliette, Jean-Baptiste. See Etteilla, his pseudonym. (2000). Database of books offered for sale, consulted January 24, 2000.
Beryl, Atkins T., Duval, Alain, Milne, Rosemary C., Cousin, Pierre-Henri, Lewis, Hélène M. A., Sinclair, Lorna A., Birks, Renée O., Lamy, Marie-Noëlle. (1998). Collins Robert unabridged French/English English/French Dictionary [Le Robert & Collins senior dictionnare Français/Anglais Anglais/Français] (5th ed). Glasgow: Harper Collins; Paris: Dictionnaires Le Robert.
Butler, Bill. (1975). Dictionary of the Tarot. New York: Shocken.
Culture Surf. (2000). Database of books in French offered for sale, consulted January 24, 2000.
Christian, Paul. (1870/1952). (James Kirkup & Julian Shaw, Trans.). The history of magic. New York: Citadel. Originally published as Histoire de la magie, du monde surnaturel et de la fatalité à travers les temps et les peuples.
Case, Paul Foster & Parke, Jessie Burns. (c. 1930/1998). The Builders of the Adytum Tarot. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games..
Case, Paul Foster. (1934/1991). The book of tokens: Tarot meditations. Los Angeles: Builders of the Adytum.
Case, Paul Foster. (1947). The Tarot: A key to the wisdom of the ages. Richmond, VA: Macoy.
Case, Paul Foster. (1981). The true and invisible Rosicrucian order: An interpretation of the Rosicrucian allegory and an explanation of the ten Rosicrucian grades. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
Connolly, Eileen. (1979). Tarot: A new handbook for the apprentice volume 1 of the Connoly Tarot. North Hollywood: Newcastle.
Constant, Alphonse-Louis. See Eliphas Lévi, his pseudonym.
Conver, Nicolas. (1761/n.d.). Tarot de Marseille [Tarot of Marseilles]. Bordeaux, France: Héron. A contemporary reproduction (no date given) of the original deck.
Crowley, Aleister. (1944). The Book of Thoth: A short essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser. Illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris. It is not short.
Crowley, Aleister & Harris, Lady Frieda. (1969). Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot deck. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems.
Culture Surf. Database of books in French offered for sale, consulted January 24, 2000.
Dal Negro. (c. 1870/n.d.). Tarocco egiziano [Egyptian Tarot]. Treviso: Dal Negro. Contemporary edition (no date given) of this Tarot deck.
Decker, Ronald, Depaulis, Theirry, & Dummet, Michael. (1996). A wicked pack of cards: The origins of the occult Tarot. New York: St. Martins.
Douglas, Alfred. (1972). The Tarot: The origins, meaning and uses of the cards. New York: Penguin Books.
Dusserre. (c. 1876/n.d.). Jeu de la princesse Tarot [Princess Tarot Deck]. Paris: Editions Dusserre. Contemporary reproduction of a deck originally sold by the Parisian firm Wattilaux.
Etteilla. (1785/1993). LAstrologie du Livre de Thot [Astrology of the Book of Thoth]. Paris: La Grande Conjonction. A facsimile of the fourth book of Manière de se récréer avec le jeu de cartes nomées Tarots. Bound with Halbronn, Recherches sur lhistoire de lastrologie et du Tarot (q.v.).
Etteilla (c. 1788/c. 1975). Grand Etteilla: Ou Tarot Egyptiens [Grand Etteilla: Or Egyptian Tarot]. France: Grimaud. Revised version of the Tarot deck published by Etteilla.
Encausse, Gérard-Anaclet-Vincent. See Papus, his pseudonym.
Faivre, Antoine. (1994/1986). (Author, Trans.). Access to Western Esotericism. Albany, NY: State University of New York. Originally published as Accès de lEsotérisme occidental.
Fortune, Dion. (1935). The mystical Qabalah. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
Gargiulo-Sherman, Johanna. (1982). The sacred rose Tarot deck. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems.
Gilbert, R. A. (1997). The Golden Dawn scrapbook: The rise and fall of a magical order. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
Giles, Cynthia. (1992). The Tarot: History, mystery, and lore. New York: Fireside.
Grand Orient. Pseudonym for A. E. Waite, q.v.
Gray, Eden. (1960). The Tarot revealed: A modern guide to reading the Tarot cards. New York: New American Library.
Gray, Eden. (1970). The complete guide to the Tarot. New York: Crown.
Gray, Eden. (1971). Mastering the Tarot. New York: New American Library.
Greer, Mary K. (1984). Tarot for your self: A workbook for personal transformation. North Hollywood: Newcastle.
Greer, Mary K. (1995). Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and priestesses. Rochester, VT: Park Street.
Halbronn, Jacques. (1992). Recherches sur lhistoire de lastrologie et du Tarot [Research on the history of astrology and Tarot]. Paris: La Grande Conjonction. Quoted excerpts translated from the French by James W. Revak. Bound with Etteilla, LAstrologie du Livre de Thot (q.v.).
Hawkins, Roger, & Towell, Richard. (1997). French grammar & usage. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC.
Howe, Ellic. (1972). The magicians of the Golden Dawn: A documentary history of a magical order 1887-1923. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
Jorgensen, Danny L. (1992). The esoteric scene, cultic milieu, and occult Tarot. New York: Garland.
Kaplan, Stuart R. (1978). The encyclopedia of Tarot (Vol. 1). Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems.
Kaplan, Stuart R. (1986). The encyclopedia of Tarot (Vol. 2). Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems.
King, Francis. (1989). Modern ritual magic: The rise of Western Occultism (rev. ed.). Garden City Park, NY: Avery.
Küntz, Darcy (Ed.). (1996). The Golden Dawn source book. Edmonds, WA: Holmes.
Lévi, Eliphas. (1854-55/1910). (A. E. Waite, Trans.). Transcendental magic: Its doctrine and ritual. Kila, MT: Kessinger. Orginally published as Dogme de la haute magie and Rituel de la haute magie.
Lévi, Eliphas. (1860/1913). (A. E. Waite, Trans.). The history of magic. Kila, MT: Kessinger. Originally published as Histoire de la magie.
Library of Congress. (2000). Catalog, consulted January 24, 2000.
Lo Scarabeo. (c. 1870/1996). Antichi Tarocchi esoterici [Ancient Esoteric Tarot]. Torino: Lo Scarabeo.
Louis, Anthony. (1998). Tarot: Plain and simple. St. Paul: Llewellyn.
Mackenzie, Kenneth (attrib.). (c. 1870/1996). (Darcy Küntz, Ed. & Trans.). The Complete Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript. Edmonds, WA: Holmes.
Master Therion, The. Pseudonym for Aleister Crowley, q.v.
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor. (1888/1993). The Tarot: A short treatise on reading cards. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser. Originally published as The Tarot: Its occult signification, use in fortune-telling, and method of play and republished under this title by Samuel Weiser in 1969 and 1971.
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor. (c. 1888a). Book Tthe Tarot. In Israel Regardie (Ed.), (1989), The Golden Dawn: A complete course in practical ceremonial magic four volumes in one (6th ed.) (pp. 540-565). St. Paul: Llewellyn.
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor. (c. 1888b). On the Tarot Trumps. In Kenneth Makenzie (attrib.), Dorothy Küntz (Trans. & Ed.), (1996), The complete Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript (pp. 175-178). Edmonds, WA: Holmes.
Mathers, S. L. MacGregor. (c. 1888c). The Tree of Life as projected in a solid sphere. In Israel Regardie (Ed.), (1989), The Golden Dawn: A complete course in practical ceremonial magic four volumes in one (6th ed.) (pp. 594-621). St. Paul: Llewellyn.
Morgan, Lloyd & Greer, Bill. (1979). Morgan-Greer Tarot. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems.
ONeill, Robert V. (1986). Tarot symbolism. Lima, OH: Fairway.
Palladini, David. (1970). Aquarian Tarot. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems.
Papus. (1889/1910). (A. P. Norton, Trans.; A. E. Waite, Ed.). The Tarot of the Bohemians: The most ancient book in the world (3d ed.). North Hollywood: Wilshire. Originally published as Le Tarot des Bohémiens: Le plus ancien livre du monde.
Papus. (1909). Le Tarot divinatoire: Clef du tirage des cartes et des sorts [Divination by Tarot: Key to reading cards and lots] (17th ed.). St-Jean-de-Braye, France: Dangles. Quoted excerpts translated from the French by James W. Revak (copyright © 2000 by James W. Revak).
Mathers, S. L. McGregor, Papus & Waite, A. E. (1888, 1909, 1911/2000). (James W. Revak, Ed. & Trans.). Tarot divination: Three parallel traditions.
Pollack, Rachel. (1997). Seventy-eight degrees of wisdom: A book of Tarot (rev. ed.). San Francisco: Harper Collins.
Regardie, Israel (Ed.). (1989). The Golden Dawn: A complete course in practical ceremonial magic four volumes in one (6th ed.). St. Paul: Llewellyn.
Regardie, Israel. (1932/1999). (Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero, Eds.). A garden of pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life. St. Paul: Llewellyn.
Riley, Jana. (1995). Tarot dictionary and compendium. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
San Emeterio, E. (1997). Le grand livre du jeu Etteilla [The big book about Etteillas deck]. Paris: Trajectoire.
Silvestre-Haéberlé, Colette. (1996). Le Grand Etteilla et le Tarot Egyptien: Méthode pratique dinterprétation [The Grand Etteilla and Egyptian Tarot: Practical method of interpretation]. Paris: Grancher.
Waite, A. E. (1909). A manual of cartomancy and occult divination (3d ed.). Kila, MT: Kessinger.
Waite, A. E. (1921/1996). A new encyclopaedia of Freemasonry (ars magna latomorum) and of cognate instituted mysteries: Their rites literature and history. New York: Wing.
Waite, A. E. (1910). The pictorial key to the Tarot (being fragments of a secret tradition under the veil of divination). New York: Barnes & Noble. Illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith.
Waite, A. E. (1938). Shadows of life and thought: A retrospective review in the form of memoirs. Kila, MT: Kessinger.
Waite, A. E. & Smith, Pamela Colman. (1909/1971). The Rider Tarot deck. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems. A revised edition of the original deck.
Waite, A. E. & Smith, Pamela Colman. (1909/1987). Albano-Waite Tarot deck. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems. A revised edition of the original deck by Frankie Albano.
Waite, A. E. & Smith, Pamela Colman. (1909/1990). Universal Waite Tarot deck. Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems. A revised edition of the deck with coloring by Mary Hanson-Roberts.
Wang, Robert. (1978). An introduction to the Golden Dawn Tarot: Including the original documents on Tarot from the Order of the Golden Dawn with explanatory notes. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
Wang, Robert. (1987). The Qabalistic Tarot: A textbook of mystical philosophy. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser.
Westcott, Wynn W. (c. 1888). The historical lecture. In Darcy Küntz, (Ed.), (1996), The Golden Dawn source book (pp. 46-51). Edmonds, WA: Holmes.
Wirth, Oswald. (1927/1985). The Tarot of the magicians. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser. Originally published as Le Tarot, des imagiers du Moyen Age.
Wood, Robin. (1991). The Robin Wood Tarot. St. Paul: Llewellyn.
Copyright © 2000 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. Version 1.1 (8/19/00).