Name That Deck!
By James W. Revak
DECK 9 OF 15
(Click the images for larger ones.)Answer: The Gendron Tarot by Melanie Gendron, first published 1997.
I am that which emanates beauty and all manner of life, moon, dancing stars, abundant earth, oceans depth to match my heart. I pierce the void and multiply variety innumerable. I am love without condition for I am all that is. Every act of love celebrates my spirit. I am guidance, sanctuary, your highest self; I am the way home. Hear my call and come to me for weve been separate only in dreams.The Gendron Tarot
Illustrations (left to right): The Hanged One (corresponds to the Hanged Man) and Two of Cups from The Gendron Tarot by Melanie Gendron (copyright © 1997 U.S. Games Systems). PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT DECK
Copyright © 2000 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. Version 1.0 (8/9/00).