Name That Deck!
By James W. Revak
DECK 2 OF 15
(Click the images for larger ones.)Answer: The Robin Wood Tarot, by Robin Wood, first published 1991.
Concerning the World Trump (below, left), the artist has written:
Most of the traditional designs on this card felt right to me. The only thing I removed were the animals that were usually found in the corners of most decks. Those didnt seem to mean the various elements nearly as much as plain drawings of the elements concerned, so I used them instead.The Robin Wood Tarot: The Book
Illustrations (left to right): The World and Eight of Wands from The Robin Wood Tarot (copyright © 1991 Wood). PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT DECK
Copyright © 2000 James W. Revak. All rights reserved. Version 1.0 (8/9/00).