1781. Antoine Court de Gébelin. Monde primitif, analysé et comparé avec le monde moderne [The Primitive World, Analyzed and Compared to the Modern World]. Other. |
1781. Comte de Mellet. Récherches sur les tarots et sur la divination par les cartes des tarots [Research on Tarots and on Divination by Tarot Cards], in Court de Gébelin’s Monde primitif. Other. |
1785. Etteilla. Manière de se récréer avec un jeu de cartes nomées tarots [How to Have Fun With a Pack of Cards Called Tarot]. Other. |
Mid-19th Century (manuscript). Golden Dawn 1. Cipher Manuscript. Golden Dawn. |
1854-5. Éliphas Lévi 1. Dogme et rituel de la haute magie [Dogma and Ritual of High Magic, also known as Transcendental Magic]. Aleph = Magician. |
1861. Éliphas Lévi 2. La Clef des grands mystères suivant Hénoch, Abraham, Hermès Trismégiste et Salomon [The Key to the Great Mysteries Following Enoch, Abraham, Hermes Trismegistus and Salomon]. Presumably Aleph = Magician. |
1870. Paul Christian. The History and Practice of Magic. Aleph = Magician. |
1887. S.L. MacGregor Mathers. Tarot: Its Occult Signification, Use in Fortune-Telling and Method of Play. Aleph = Magician. |
c. 1888 (manuscripts) Golden Dawn 2. Fourth Knowledge Lecture, Book “T”–The Tarot. Golden Dawn. |
1889. Papus 1. The Tarot of the Bohemians: The Most Ancient Book in the World. Aleph = Magician. |
1889. Oswald Wirth 1. Essay Upon the Astronomical Tarot, in Papus’ The Tarot of the Bohemians. Aleph = Magician. |
1896. R. Falconnier. Les XXII lames hermétiques du tarot divinatoire exactement reconstituées d’après les textes sacrés et selon la tradition des mages de l’ancienne Égypte [The XXII Hermitic Cards of the Divinatory Tarot Precisely Restored Following the Sacred Texts and According to the Tradition of Ancient Egyptian Magicians]. Aleph = Magician. |
1901. Comte C. de Saint-Germain. Practical Astrology: A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes. Aleph = Magician. |
1903. Papus 2. La Cabbale: tradition secrète de l’occident. (2d ed.). Presumably Aleph = Magician |
1909. Aleister Crowley 1. Liber 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticae Viae Explicandae, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientiae Summae. Golden Dawn. |
1909. Papus 3. Le Tarot divinatoire: clef du tirage des cartes et des sorts [The Divinatory Tarot: Key to Reading Cards and Fortunes]. Aleph = Magician. |
1910. A.E. Waite 1. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (Being Fragments of a Secret Tradition Under the Veil of Divination). Golden Dawn (?) or Other (?). |
c. 1910. A.E. Waite 2. The Tarot and the Rosy Cross. Essentially Golden Dawn. |
1926. A.E. Waite 3. The Great Symbols of the Tarot, in the Occult Review. Golden Dawn (?) or Other (?). |
1927. Oswald Wirth 2. Tarot of the Magicians. Aleph = Magician. |
1933. Joseph Maxwell. The Tarot. Other. |
1936. C.C. Zain. The Sacred Tarot. Aleph = Magician. |
1944. Aleister Crowley 2. The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians. Golden Dawn.
1947. Paul Foster Case. The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages. Golden Dawn. |
1970. Eden Gray. A Complete Guide to the Tarot. Golden Dawn. |
1975. Demenico Balbi. Tarot Balbi. Aleph = Magician. |
1979-80. Giorgio M.S. Tavaglione. The Tavaglione Tarot (Called “The Stairs of Gold”). Aleph = Magician. |
To compare four of the above summaries, specifically Éliphas Lévi 1, Papus 1, Golden Dawn 2, and Aleister Crowley 2, in one table, click here or on the bullet to the left. Please know that this table is large and may take a couple minutes to display; the time required will depend on the speed of your Internet connection. However, once it displays, you have all four summaries for easy reference and comparison. |
Note concerning selected alphabets (specifically the Alphabet of the Magi and Hebrew alphabet). |